Monday, September 30, 2019

Informative Valentines Day Speech Outline

(Name) Topic: The history and a few different traditions of Valentine’s Day General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform my speech class of the benefits of moderate indoor tanning. Thesis Statement: There is actually a fascinating history behind Valentine’s Day, which I will tell you about today along with some insight to how different countries celebrate this day of love. INTRODUCTION All of us have someone special in our lives. Whether it is a significant other, friends, or family, we all have someone, often many people, whom we love. But how often do we remember to really express the love we feel for these people?Good thing there’s a whole day devoted to love, so, at least once a year, we get the chance to tell these people how much we love and appreciate our relationships with them. That day of course is Valentine’s Day. A day for romance and splurging on gifts such as flowers, chocolates, jewelry, and those cute little teddy bears with the f luffy hearts reading â€Å"Be Mine. † Valentine’s Day in the U. S. has also become a day when merchandisers can count on making a few quick bucks, leading most to believe that this horrifically commercialized holiday was invented by the candy, jewelry, and card companies.On the contrary, there is actually a fascinating history behind Valentine’s Day, which I will tell you about today, along with some insight to how some different countries celebrate this day of love. BODY I. History a. St. Valentine i. Catholic church recognizes at least 3 different saints named Valentine or Valentinus ii. Martyred for marrying young men and women when it was outlawed by Emperor Claudius iii. St. Valentine was martyred for trying to help Christians escape from Roman prisons iv.Legend of first written valentine by St. Valentine 1. Jailor’s daughter b. First Valentine’s Day cards II. Different countries and some unique traditions followed today a. Similar to U. S. i. Australia ii. Canada iii. France b. Different than U. S. i. Wales 1. Welsh Valentine’s Day – St. Dwynwen’s Day 2. Love Spoons ii. Scotland 1. Cards sent anonymously 2. Game at parties 3. Valentine Date Search iii. Finland 1. Ystavanpaiva iv. Denmark 1. â€Å"Snowdrops† 2. Lover’s Cards . Gaekkebrev v. Japan 1. Valentine’s Day 2. White Day CONCLUSION Here are a few things to remember. Valentine’s Day was actually deemed a holiday by Pope Gelasius, not Hallmark, Hershey’s or Kay Jewelers. Regardless of the accuracy behind the legends of St. Valentine, they are all great, romantic stories about a man giving his life for what he believed in. Though there are countries where customs do not differ much from our own, there are many traditions followed around the world that are very different.When the next Valentine’s Day approaches, just remember, the Welsh women will be looking forward to some fancy spoons. Singles in Scotlan d will be wondering which party their crush will be at so that they can go to the same one and hopefully draw their name. The Finnish will be looking forward to spending time with their best friends. Danish women will be thinking really hard to win an Easter egg. And if you want to continue to receive gifts on Valentine’s Day, do not move to Japan. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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