Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Describe what you have learned about issues of leadership in your Essay

Describe what you have learned about issues of leadership in your current role - Essay Example This is a challenging and, at the same time, a great opportunity to experiment and develop my leadership prowess. I have learned that leadership competency is all about having the ability to operate and lead people in a diverse organization structures, skills, cultures and contexts. It is the ability to work or function with external and internal teams across various time zones, human resource policies and locations. This capability makes a manager or a leader adaptive to alterations in working conditions and able to develop effective teams. Therefore, a leader needs motivation, commitment and understanding. This is because one is managing different people, with diverse cultural backgrounds, tradition, opinions and goals, is not easy, (Sadler 34). The group is motivated in diverse ways, and every teacher expects a different thing from an assistant manager. Therefore, as a leader one needs to be a team builder, motivator, coacher to ensure divergent views are integrated and needs met to achieve common goals. Leadership skills can perform an extensive part in development of one’s career. Often one’s technical skills can enhance his knowledge, (Northouse 41). Leaders learn from their colleagues, teachers, his boss and experiment various skill. Therefore, leadership is character development and building process that enables a leader to enhance his leadership skills, identify his weaknesses and strengths and reinforce his leadership abilities. A leader must be a critical thinker, managing about 50 educational supervisors and visiting different schools to promote teachers and principals of new educational strategies need critical thinking. He should predict possible challenges before they occur. Managing needs, extensive skills to allow development of educational methods that are cohesive, coherent and fruitful to the educational needs of students. Efficient listening is crucial for leaders. Without listening skills, a leader cannot get a response and

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