Saturday, May 23, 2020

Teen Suicide Essay - 881 Words

Teen Suicide Suicide is a growing problem in American culture. Sadly, teens are affected the most. Teen suicide is increasing rapidly. â€Å"About 5,000 teens in the United States kill themselves each year† (Peacock, 4). Suicide among teens is a serious and devastating crisis. More teens are taking their lives today than ever before. Teen suicide does not affect one specific type of teen; it affects any type of teen. There are a variety of reasons teens resort to committing suicide. Many people are working for the prevention of teen suicide. Teen suicide needs to be viewed as a serious problem, analyzed, and prevented. Teen suicide affects many teens. The number of teen suicide has tripled since the 1950’s (Peacock, 6). It is the third†¦show more content†¦Violence at home has a lot of impact. Watching violent things can hurt a teens mind and make them want to end the violence therefore they take their life. Teens may not be able to handle one more situation, even the smallest things, ending a relationship, failing at school, or getting blamed for something, all those things can trigger suicidal thoughts. Drugs and alcohol can affect teens too. â€Å"Drugs and alcohol increase thinking and anger† (Peacock, 19). â€Å"Problems with sexual identity, pregnancy, or pressures to succeed also can play a role† (Peacock, 16).Sexual Identity causes suicide. Teens that struggle with a different sexual identity; struggle with keeping it a secret. Teens that come out may be treated as outcasts. The frequently get named-called, bullied, and other harassments. Girls that deal with a teen pregnancy take their life because of embarrassment to family, peers, and the father of the child. Talent kids have suicide attempts. The pressure to succeed is overwhelming and they cannot take it anymore. †In general, teens who kill themselves want to escape overpowering problems and painful feelings† (Peacock, 10). The number one thing that triggers suicidal thoughts is depression. Depression is a serious mental illness. More than 60 percent of all people who killed themselves dealt with depression (Peacock, 18). Depression is the number one cause of teen suicide thisShow MoreRelatedTeen Suicide And Suicide1145 Words   |  5 Pagesthem? Today suicide is one of the most prevalent causes of death for teenagers in the United states. The suicide rates for teens are astronomical. Writer Stephanie Pappas mentions teen suicide rates in her article Suicide: Statistics, Warning Signs and Prevention. In the article, Pappas writes â€Å"In 2015, suicide was the second leading cause of death in people 15 to 34 years of age and third leading cause of death in children aged 10 to 14, according to the CDC.’’ (Stephanie Pappas, Suicide: StatisticsRead MoreTeen Suicide1182 Words   |  5 Pagesexperiencing loneliness, happiness and unconditional love. If life should be cherished why end it so soon? Suicide the most common way to get out of any hard situation that life throws at you. What exactly is the meaning of the word suicide? Well suicide is the act or an instance of taking ones own life voluntarily and intentionally especially by a person of years of discretion and of sound mind. Teens end their life so soon for number of reasons, like depression from a bad relationship, family problemsRead MoreTeen Suicide And Teenage Suicide1357 Words   |  6 Pagestake a more proactive step to prevent teen suicide by giving their students and staff more of an education. For example the Ontario Shores Mental Health Science wants schools to be more aware also; â€Å"Last week the Durham school boards announced a new curriculum to teach teachers about mental illness in youth, funded by the Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences in Whitby.† ( Scallan and Chantaie). A town in Ontario brought this issue of teen suicide up to the school board. The school boardRead MoreTeen Suicide And Teenage Suicide1371 Words   |  6 PagesGutierrez Concepcion Gutierrez-Yanez Mrs. Gallos English 3 Honors April 6, 2017 Teen Suicide Brandy Vela, an eighteen-year-old high school student, committed suicide right in front of her family. Due to all the bullying over her weight, and especially in social media, she pulled the trigger and ended her life. It is said that her sister had heard a noisy disturbance and when she went upstairs to her sister’s room, she found Vela holding a gun pointing at her chest. â€Å"She is just crying and cryingRead MoreThe Issue Of Teen Suicide1715 Words   |  7 Pagescommit suicide? What’s the first thing you would do? Scream? Cry? Help? Many people wish they had helped their friend after they commit suicide. Being the victim is scary, being the witness is scarier, and being the bystander is the scariest. Suicide has been a problem for a very long time. It can be caused by stress,anxiety, bullying, and mental illnesses. Teen suicide is a huge problem because there are so many situations that can stress you out and just make you give up, especially as a teen. AlmostRead MoreAn Essay on Teen Suicide798 Words   |  4 PagesTeen suicide My essay is on teen suicide there are a lot of suicides that happen in the U.S they are caused from being bullied also it can caused by being depressed. There is also a high increase of suicides for people who take antidepressants. All this information is true based on the sites below. 1) 2) MoreTeen Suicide Essay605 Words   |  3 PagesDaneshia Alberty Campbell EnglishIII-7 11 February, 2011 Teen Suicide Essay Teen suicide is one of the fastest killers for young teenagers. Every year thousands of teens die in the United States. There are many different reasons of why young teens commit suicide. Family issues, low self-esteem, and bullying are three of the many leading factors towards suicide for teens. Problems at home can cause a teenager to take their lives. Abuse in the home of the teenager can most often establish aRead MoreThe Problem Of Teen Suicide1609 Words   |  7 PagesTeen suicide is one of the largest problems facing America at the moment, and it will only become worse if the country does not come up with a solution. â€Å"According to the American Psychiatric Association, suicide is the third leading cause of death for young people between eleven and eighteen years of age (Teen Suicide).† American families can not keep losing sons and daughters to this entirely preventable epidemic. The largest issue with teen suicide is that Americans are using largely outdatedRead MoreEssay On Teen Suicide1235 Words   |  5 Pages† offer little comfort, and even less hope to those considering suicide. Amongst U.S teens, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death more so than cancer, AIDS, chronic drug use, and heart disease combined. Common risk factors are bullying in school, history of sexual abuse, alcohol, and drug addiction, along with a history of mental illness in the family. There is also a direct correlation between socioeconomic status and suicide in urban, and remote areas. Factors such as social deprivation,Read MoreEssay On Teen Suicide1332 Words   |  6 Pagesbut if that s true then why is there an increase in teenagers committing suicide. We all know that the rate of teenage suicide has been on the rise just as fast as the rise of social media use. Teenage suicide is never a good thing and is heartbreaking to those it affects. As social media becomes more intertwined in young people s lives there has been an increase in teen suicide from cyber bullying. Often times young teens don t know the dangers and consequences social media can cause and makes

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