Wednesday, May 29, 2019

senior project :: essays research papers fc

Senior ProjectSenior Project Outline grounding Let the reader know what this Essay is about.I.What I already knowA.You will always have a meditate1.People always expect to buy a new house2.People always want to deal their old houseB.Becoming your take boss1.Setting your experience commission rates2.You will always be in chargeII.What I learnedA.How much you would use up1.The beginning rate2.How much you could shew up toB.What you need to bring forth a Real Estate Agent 1.A Salesman License2.Real Estate Brokers LicenseIII.The Advantages and Disadvantages of beingness in RealEstateA.What you would like most about your job1.Being your own boss2.You will always have a jobB.What you would like least about your job1.The long hours 2.And having to have a great deal of patienceConclusion Describe why I would this job.microphone SmithMR. SmithEXPOS. COMP. 12b17 March 2005BECOMING A REAL ESTATE AGENTHello my name is Mike Smith. I am here today to talkto you about becoming a Real Es tate Agent. I will letyou know everything you need to know about how to become aReal Estate Agent. Such as needing a license, the time andenergy you need to become the best Broker possible. Theguaranty of always having a job, within a matter of yearsbecoming your own boos by starting your own company,andwhatyou will earn in return for making peoples lives awhole lot better.The things I already know about Real Estate are asfollows. I know that you will never retire your job. Thereason why you will never lose your job is because peopleare always trying to buy a house or sell a house,or a pieceof their property etc.. You might not have a new clienteveryday but you will have at least one new job/client todeal with every week. Then after making enough sales youcame become your own boss. Which kernel once you become yourown boss you can make your own commission rates, the timestart working and how long you work, plus you get make yourown decisions about who to hire or fire, and who to h avebusiness with. But there is just one little thing aboutbeing your own boss that might take its toll on you whichwill be that when some thing goes wrong you will be theperson to blame nonexistence else but yourself because you will be the owner.The things I learned about becoming a Real EstateAgent. One of the things I learned about being a Real EstateAgent is how money you would make. So normally when youbegin in a Real Estate office you get 3% to 6% commission.

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