Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Business Communication Essay

Part-1 Question 1.Communication is an essential function of Business Organizations. 2.Physiological Barriers of listening are: Ans. (a) Hearing impairment 3.Which presentation tends to make you speak more quickly than usual? Ans. (b) Oral 4.What is the main function of Business Communication: Ans. (c) Persuasion 5.The responsibilities of the office manager in a firm that produces electronics spares is Ans. ( d).. All of the above 6.Labov’s Storytelling Model based on: Ans.(a) Communication through speech 7.Diagonal Communication is basically the: Ans. (b). Communication between the CEO and the managers 8.How to make Oral Communication Effective? Ans. (d). All of the above 9.Direct Eye contact of more than 10 seconds can create: Ans. (a). Discomfort & Anxiety 10.10. Encoding means: Ans. (a). Transmission Par -2 1. 7’c of effective communication 1.Courtesy and consideration – Improves Relationship 2. Clarity-Make comprehension better 3. Credibility -Builds Trust 4. Correctness-Builds confidence 5. Completeness and consistency-Introduces stability 6. Concreteness-Reinforces Confidence 7. Conciseness-Save time 2. Space Language

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