Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gender dysphoria in children Essays

Gender dysphoria in children Essays Gender dysphoria in children Paper Gender dysphoria in children Paper He even insisting to urinate in a sitting position as the manner of a girl does. His parents try to understand the condition of their son. But then, when he began schooling Rona hardly refused to go to school for the reason that he dont want to wear the appropriate uniform assigned for boys. He also wants to use the Female Comfort room which is prohibited. He feels that attending to school restrict him from everything he wants. Resulting Rona repeated tantrums in class. Causing recurrent suspended over 30 times for behaving badly at school for throwing chairs and lashing out at his teachers. Ronas mom ask him what does it take to make him change, Rona replied he wants a girl stuffs in his room and he wanted to be a girl and wear girls clothes. Some nights Rona H. Cries and screams out of distress. His mother caught him one night with a knife in his hand, planning to cut off his genitals. He says that it doesnt belong there and he doesnt want it there. Fortunately, this attempt Just leaves a scratched on his pens. Even though Ronas parents are now separated, they decided to support the Psychological needs of their son. They already allowed Rona to dress girls clothing at home. Mrs.. : H. Already oiled out Ronas room Feminine stuffs he likes and even designed his room into Princess inspired. But what Rona really wishes is to be called with a girls name, enable him to feel Just like a real girl. Right now, he uses the name Emma which he chooses, instead of his real name Rona. CASE ANALYSIS As according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder fifth edition (ADSM) all of the proposed signs of Gender Dysphasia in Children show in Rona H. Conditions. Rona exhibit strong belief that he was born with the wrong sex genitals and he fundamentally persons of the opposite sex. Individuals with gender dysphasia eke Rona H. Have a marked incongruence between the gender they have been assigned to and their experienced or expressed gender. Experienced gender may include alternative gender identities beyond binary stereotypes. As what presented in his background, Rona was distress out of this incongruence. School refusal, Development of depression, Anxiety, and Intense Crying when parents tell that he is not really a member of the other gender he desires are signs of distress in Ronas Condition. Indication of having the disorder shows strongly preferred engaging cross dressing and simulating female or woman attire. Desiring for toys, games and activities stereotypically used or engaged by the other gender. Another is Persistent preferences for cross-sex roles in play and in fantasies and also, a strong dislike of ones sexual anatomy. All of these are shown in Ronas Condition, thus, he meet the Diagnostic Criteria for Gender Dystrophy Children.. There are various disciplines offer perspectives on the understanding of Gender Dysphasia. Some are Biological theories offers many hereditary, hormonal, and anatomical cause, which merely act as precursors to the numerous environmental stresses to come. On the other hand, most of the contributing explanation are psychological theories identify parental influence, primary needs, and personal cognition as main factors. Based on Sigmund Freud psychosocial theory, he believed that childs gender role is determined during the phallic stage, wherein the focus of its libido was believed moves to the genitals and the development child diverges. Here, Boys enter the Oedipus complex in which the child realize that their father stands in the way of the satisfaction of their desire and this frustration of the ids desires results in aggressive feelings, which are directed towards the father. At the same time, the boy realizes that his father is more powerful than he is and starts to fear that if the father finds out about the boys desire for his mother he will castrate him (castration anxiety). In this phase, the child sexual desire for their mother leads them to acquire some feminine disposition on his mother. Gender Dystrophy child probably had a failure to separate himself with his mother in early boyhood, instead of identifying his father. Social learning theory regards gender identity and role as a set of behaviors that are learned from the environment. Gender identity develops as he result of imprinting and conditioning processes. The main way that gender behaviors are learned is through the process of observational learning and at the core of observational learning is modeling. Learning through modeling involves adding and subtracting from the observed behavior and generalizing from one observation to another. Children observe the people around them behaving in various ways, some of which relate to gender. They pay attention to some of these people (models) and encode their behavior. At a later time they may imitate the behavior they have observed. They may do this regardless of whether the behavior is gender appropriate or not but there are a number of processes that make it more likely that a child will reproduce the behavior that its society deems appropriate for its sex. However, Parents respond, verbally and nonverbally, to childs emerging sexuality has an impact on sexual attitudes and feelings that child develops with the father, the boy identifies with the mother. Another theory that might explain Gender Dysphasia is the theory of Cognitive Development Theory of Goldberg. His theory proposes that a child understands gender moves forward in stages. At each successive stage, the child thinks in characteristic ways about gender. As the child moves through the stages its understanding of gender becomes more complex. The first stage is gender identity, which is usually reached by the age of 2 years. At this stage the child is able to correctly label its own sex and this may serves as the core motivation for future gender-related behaviors. So, a child recognizing the fact that he is a boy leads him to seek and perform activities his society defines as boy like. The second stage is gender stability, which is usually reached by the age of 4 years. At this stage the child realizes that gender remains the same across time. However, its understanding of gender is heavily influenced by external features like hair and clothing. A boy at this stage might say that if he put a dress on he would be a girl. It is not until the third stage, gender constancy, where the child starts to understand that gender is independent of external features. This stage is usually reached by the age of 7 years. An alternative view, gender schema theory, suggests that children play a more active role in their own gender development from an earlier age. In cognitive psychology, a schema is a cognitive structure used to organize information bout a particular type of object, person or situation. People make sense of new information by matching it to the schemas they have produced from past experience. Gender schema theory suggests that a childs gender development reflects the increasing complexity of the schemas it develops around maleness and femaleness. By about the age of two the child is able to label himself and others as female or male. This reflects the development of a basic gender schema. The child then starts to seek out information from its environment in order to increase its understanding f maleness and femaleness and thereby to guide its own behavior. The child identifies activities and objects associated with its own gender and start to ignore or reject those that do not fit in with this. At this early stage their understanding of gender is simplistic and quite rigid and this is reflected in their behavior. As their gender schemas increase in complexity, however, the child becomes better at coping with ambiguity and their ideas about what is acceptable or appropriate start to relax somewhat.

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