Monday, October 7, 2019

Critical Thinking Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Thinking Questions - Essay Example This paper will discuss the composition of a successful lesson plan, the importance of considering students’ backgrounds and strategies of differentiated instruction. A lesson framework acts as the instructor’s guide to what students should learn and how it will be implemented effectively within the allocated class time (O'Bannon, 2008). Before planning a lesson, an instructor should identify the learning objectives and design appropriate learning activities and strategies to get feedback on student learning. A successful lesson plan is made up of objectives for student learning, teaching and learning activities and ways of checking student understanding (O'Bannon, 2008). A well created plan includes; A) The goals the lesson is reaching towards B) The measurable outcomes in acquired skills at the end of the lesson C) Ratio of the expected number of students to the teacher D) Previous knowledge of the learners E) Required time for each teaching and learning session F) Co nsideration of cultural differences, specific needs and learning styles of individuals G) Methods of evaluating the lesson Lesson plans may be varied by certain aspects in different content areas. They may include the content, introduction, goals, objectives, materials, and development (Wong, 1998). The introduction describes the area of focus and ways of getting and retaining the students’ attention while motivating them to participate in the learning process. Getting the students to attend and respond to different introductions sets the stage for the upcoming lessons. Under contents, the teacher lists the key concepts, facts and skills the lesson intends to cover (Wong, 1998). A teacher may also prepare an outline with key learning outcomes. The goals identify the aims or desired results that students should achieve at the end of the planned lesson. They are the end products and broad in nature and relate to the knowledge and skills identified in the contents. Objectives id entify what the students are expected to achieve in the tasks they will be engaged in within the learning process. They are behavioral and performance specific in nature (Wong, 1998). They outline what will be under observance in student performance and the criteria by which they can be measured. The list of materials outlines the resources that will be used throughout the lesson for a successful ending. It may also include technological resources that vary according to the desired results (Wong, 1998). Different development strategies describe how a teacher plans, models and explains what students should do. Modeling the learning behaviors expected of students demonstrates whether they can imitate and practice on their own. Different areas of learning will have different development plans (Wong, 1998). Students in the same class have varying learning abilities. Among them, there are differences in learning style, background knowledge, language proficiency and readiness to learn. Ho wever, regardless of their individual differences, they are expected to understand the same principles, concepts and skills. This requires innovative thinking from the teachers (Wong, 1998). They should provide several learning options that help students understand information and make sense out of concepts and skills conveyed to them. Furthermore, they should present appropriate levels of challenge to all categories of students, including those with quick understanding

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